New Year Declarations and Affirmations for 2023

Man sitting on the dock overlooking a lake and mountain

As we close out 2022 and step into the New Year 2023, we want to take a moment to thank God for his Goodness and kindness to us.

God is good! He’s faithful, even in the midst of difficult circumstances, God is good.

If your year has been the best year ever, God is good.

If your year hasn’t been great, guess what? God is good.

Whatever you have experienced in 2022, good biblical affirmations or bad, know that God has great plans for your life.

God is for you!

And God is doing a new thing in and through your life in 2023!

Take stock of the year by journaling.

At the end of the year, as we transition into a New Year, I find it useful and helpful to journal some of my thoughts on the past year. It is a practice I repeat each year and it has become a helpful tool to cultivate gratitude, process life changes, and look forward to a new beginning.

Often it starts simply by listing out the things I’ve been thankful for, and might also include some of the challenges, breakthroughs, etc. Throughout the year I jot down quotes, notes, ideas, thoughts, dreams, encounters etc so that I have a breadcrumb trail of God’s work in my life.

I use it as a time to get out of my head and heart all the things and look at what I want to leave behind or lean into more in the coming year.

I wouldn’t say they are new year’s resolutions, but more of a clean slate, whereby I can align myself with where I’ve been and what God has done, and look ahead with joy towards what He is doing and wants to do in me for the upcoming year.

A New Season

A new year is a natural breaking point in our calendar and allows for a reset, spiritually, physically, and mentally.

People often set new year’s resolutions or use them as a time to inspire and motivate themselves for a great year.

I agree, a new season and starting a new year is the perfect time to start a new routine, improve your self-care and eradicate your negative thoughts.

We all want to be healthy.

Not just our physical and emotional health but our mindset.

As we step into 2023 God wants to raise your expectations for what He can do in your life.

In Proverbs 23:18 God says that the expectation of the righteous man will not be cut short!

So as we begin a New Year let’s forget what lies behind and strain forward to what lies ahead (Philippians 3:13) because SURELY Goodness and mercy and unfailing love will follow us all the days of our lives! (Psalm 23:6).